Healthcare modalities: Therapeutic Massage, Remedial Massage and Myotherapy.


As a healthcare provider business, we deal with many people with bodily dysfunctions. One of the most common issue with people affected by pain is choosing the correct therapy. The more common question asked by our clients is about the difference between Relaxation Massage, Remedial Massage and Myotherapy.

All professionals treat similar conditions but in a slightly different way. Relaxation massage focuses on establishing wellbeing. Remedial massage focuses primarily on the muscular system performing pain management, postural balance and stretching. Myotherapy may be a combination of Remedial Massage and  extensive rehabilitation and exercise programs. It is difficult, however, to generalize about different therapies as each treatment is specific to the client and the choice of modality used may change accordingly.

Relaxation Massage

According to the Association of Massage Therapists, relaxation massage is a health care modality to promote wellbeing, improve sleep, reduce stress, treat depression, treat anxiety, treat tension and enhance a range of systemic body functions such as circulation.

The aim of relaxation massage is to promote wellbeing.

Relaxation massage is available at Borntorelax. Please visit our massage clinics or our wellness centre for the relaxation experience you deserve. 

Remedial Massage

According to the Association of Massage Therapists, remedial massage is a health care modality to  assist in rehabilitation, postural balance, pain and injury management. A range of manual therapy techniques may be employed in treatment, such as deep connective tissue massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Muscle Energy Techniques, Direct and Indirect Myofascial Techniques, and Neuromuscular Facilitation.

Correct treatment and maintenance of trigger points, helps to reduce pain, soreness, tightness, and restriction of movement and muscle tension.

Remedial massage is available at Borntorelax. Please visit our massage clinics or our wellness centre for the treatment you deserve.


According to the Association of Massage Therapists, myotherapy is a health care discipline to assess and treat myofascial pain and dysfunction. Myotherapy can help improve the integrity of the soft tissue structures of your body (muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons), which is important in the prevention of injury and dysfunction. Your soft tissues can be damaged or irritated in accidents, sporting activities, by having incorrect posture, from over-use (repetitive activities) or under-use, disease, or by physical and emotional stress. This damage sometimes presents as a trigger point (lump or knot) in the muscle.

Correct treatment and maintenance of trigger points, helps to reduce pain, soreness, tightness, and restriction of movement and muscle tension. Myotherapy can also help you restore maximum mobility by correcting and rehabilitating injuries and preventing recurrence.

Myotherapy is available at Borntorelax. Please visit our clinics or our wellness centre for the treatment you deserve.


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